MIDDLE SCHOOL (5th - 8th Grade)
Because of our small class sizes, our teachers are able to customize a learning plan for each student. Visitors are always welcome. If you are considering enrolling your student, we recommend that your child “shadow” another student for a full or half day. This will help you know if Faith Lutheran is a good fit for your student.
To walk with your student through their middle school years is an opportunity to inspire them with a passion for education. It is an opportunity to equip them with the skills, knowledge, and faith they need to not only survive but thrive as servant leaders. And, it is an opportunity to challenge them with what it means to be a critical thinker, caring friend, and compassionate follower of Christ.

We are blessed to have a piano & voice teacher with over thirty years of experience offer private lessons to those students who are interested, for an additional cost. These half-hour weekly lessons are arranged during the school day.
All classes put on a small Christmas performance.
Foreign Language
Our middle school students participate in foreign language studies. This enrichment program is a wonderful benefit within our broad curriculum. Students have the option to study French, German, or Spanish.
All students in grades K-8 receive PE instruction twice each week. Health is taught by the classroom teacher.
Our 7th / 8th grade students serve as chapel leaders by taking offering, sitting with younger chapel buddies, or acting out skits.

Technology in the middle school is integrated seamlessly throughout all subjects. Each student has his/her own Chromebook, which can be used at home and at school. It is a shared expense between the school and the home.
Visitors are always welcome. Please call the school office to make arrangements to visit or take a tour.

"We could not have asked for a more Christian and nurturing environment for our children."
Lisa S, Parent