In the event of a weather-related school closure, Faith Lutheran School follows the North Thurston Public Schools (NTPS) cancellation policy:
If North Thurston Public Schools have a late start, Faith will start school at 10:30 AM.
To get information about school status during these occasions, use the following resources.
North Thurston Public Schools (NTPS) *
Check the NTPS website at www.nthurston.k12.wa.us, follow @NPTSNews on Twitter, or Facebook for updates.
FLS-Specific Information
Updates regarding FLS late start, and school closures will be communicated via:
School Website
School Facebook Page
*Please note: The NTPS calendar differs slightly from Faith Lutheran's school calendar. NTPS will not send school closure or weather update information during scheduled days off. For this reason, you are encouraged to check your email, use Faith Lutheran's Facebook page, or our school website for updates.